Friday, September 26, 2008

Setback - Part Deux

Good news hasn't been forthcoming lately. The dear old foot was still giving me a lot of trouble - especially the part where I couldn't move my toes - so I got sent to an orthopedic surgeon. They did another set of x-rays. I got to see them this time. I should win a prize. I didn't do this halfway. There are three breaks. Four more weeks in the boot. This is honestly becoming frustrating. Right now my prospects for the Turkey Trot are looking bleak. I can start running in November, which will give me about sixteen weeks to be ready for the half marathon. I'm afraid at this point I'll essentially be starting from scratch, which may mean I'll be doing the 5K the day before and meeting my girls at the finish line for the half marathon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Foot Update

I went back to the doctor today, taking my still bruised foot with me. I'm feeling a little better after a week on crutches, actually. However, the doctor wasn't please by how my poor foot looks - which is pretty gross, actually. The final verdict is that its broken. I'm going to be put in a hard boot, so I'll be able to walk more easily, but I'm off it for another month. I might be able to run toward the middle/end of October, so the Trick-or-Treat Trot is out, but I should be in decent shape for the Turkey Trot. For now, I'm just spending a lot of time with my foot elevated!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


No sooner did I get this blog started than I had a little problem. This past weekend, while I was out with my friends I fell and gave my foot a pretty bad wrench. I'm going to the doctor again today to have it looked at. In the emergency room they said it was a sprain and to take it easy for a few days. Now its purple. I'm definitely not allowed to run for at least two weeks.